Sunday, September 28, 2008

Home Again!

The last few days have been a blur. The picture at left shows Buzz liberally applying pepper to his meal (a regular occurance).
We left Nevada, Missouri in the fog - it took an hour or two to clear. We wanted to make sure we had enough time to meet with Dick & Cheryl Parker the next day in Marshall, IL so we pushed hard to cover a lot of territory and ended up in Mount Vernon, Illinois at the end of a 400 mile day.
We met Dick and Cheryl in Casey, IL and they guided us to the "Moonshine Store" (no alcohol served here) for a Moonburger. It was great. Afterwards we went to their beuatiful home for a great dessert.
Saying Good-Byes was hard. But knowing that we've started some fantastic friendships helps a great deal.

In all we covered 6,129 miles (5,608 miles in the company of Buzz and Marinan Brewer). We averaged around 255 miles per day when we travelled and around 42 miles per gallon.

It was a fantastic trip, but not without challenges. I don't think we will tackle this large of a trip again on two wheels, but who knows?

Thanks to all for your prayers and encouragement! We could not have done this without them!

More pictures at


Steve & Melinda
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1 comment:

marinan said...

Great to get back to your BLOG!!!
Yes, Buzz is still on the pepper kick.
Man alive,, we had a blast with you folks. Hope and pray all is well.
Got the dates in Feb yet? Let us know as we are looking forward to your coming down.
God Bless, marinan