Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Tribute to my Dad

Tomorrow (September 3) we leave on our big adventure to the West Coast and back. Today was a day filled with last minute projects at the office and at home that needed to be done. It was also a time to stop at the cemetery...today was Dad's birthday.

Dad was a traveler. He seemed to know every highway and exit without consulting a map. His travels had carried him far and wide, and through his work he carried us. He always provided more than we needed - we were never in want that I can remember, although my older (much older) sisters might argue with me.

As I stood by his grave today with a lump in my throat the size of an apple, Melinda speculated that right now Dad and her Mother were arguing in Heaven - her Mom saying that we shouldn't be going on such a dangerous trip on a motorcycle, and Dad arguing that adventures are important in life and not to worry - they'll be OK.

Dad's right. Regardless of what happens on this trip or in life, we will be OK. I can thank my parents for a faith that sustains me and my family. It truly is "well with my soul".

So Dad...Happy Birthday and always know that you are loved, respected, and missed.

Your son,


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